Important DatesFamily Day
Saturday, April 12 Family Day is from 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Cadets will depart WYCA at 9:00 am and march to Pendergast Park. Families will sign-out their Cadets at the pavilion near the basketball court. Only AUTHORIZED GUARDIANs may signed-out their respective Cadets. There will be a 100% ID check. Tailgating from vehicles is NOT allowed. All vehicles must park in the main parking lot at Pendergast Park. DO NOT bring campers, 5th wheel trailers or motor homes. They take up too much room and must remain in the parking lot. Do not park along the curb in front of the Soccer Center—this is a fire lane. There is no parking or driving on the grass at Pendergast Park. The parking lane nearest the Soccer Center will be closed for Soccer Center customers. We will mark this area clearly with signs. Only bring cooking equipment that you can easily transport to your picnic area. Cadets are NOT allowed into the parking lot for ANY reason. Cadets are not allowed in vehicles for any reason at any time. This includes unloading and loading. You packed your vehicle, you will need to unpack your vehicle. Open flame Cooking (gas and charcoal grills, sterno, chafing trays, propane stoves, etc.) are permitted on park grounds. NO CAMPFIRES ALLOWED. THERE WILL NOT BE ACCESS TO ANY ELECTRICAL POWER AT PENDERGAST PARK. DO NOT DUMP CHARCOAL EMBERS ON THE GROUND, IN TRASH CANS OR IN THE DUMPSTER!! We will designate a metal barrel specifically for disposing of charcoal embers. We will identify all “off limits” areas at Pendergast Park with yellow caution tape. No vehicles will be allowed behind the Soccer Center building. Cadets who leave the authorized area will have their Family Day privileges revoked and receive disciplinary action. The parking lot and the Soccer Center are off limits to Cadets. Home Pass
Friday, May 23 25-1 Commencement
10 a.m., June 13, 2025Location: Kitsap Fairgrounds, Sun Pavilion, 1200 Fairgrounds Road NW, Bremerton, WA We are requiring that the families RSVP to so we will have a head count. Please remain seated during the ceremony. NO Flash photography indoors. We WILL post pictures on our Facebook page here. Like the page to be notified when they are up. Strollers are prohibited on the main floor and must remain in stroller parking in the foyer. NO BALLOONS. View our previous commencements and graduation videos on our YouTube Channel here. We will post new video after graduation. It WILL NOT be livestreamed. Subscribe to our channel to be notifed when it's up. |