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For the third year in a row, the Great Washington ShakeOut has achieved more than 1 million participants, although it's likely many more will also participate during the annual earthquake drill at 10:20 a.m. on Oct. 20. read more

Alert & Warning Center helped coordinate more than 800 rescues last year read more

Hundreds of people turned out to celebrate the groundbreaking of the nation's first vertical evacuation center on Jan. 15 at the Ocosta School District near Westport. The project got its start with a study initiated by the Washington Emergency Management read more

Record and major flooding is forecast for chunks of Western Washington this week and as the rain continues to saturate the earth, the landslide risk is higher than ever read more

Dozens of state officials practiced during a tabletop exercise on Oct. 22, trying to figure out best strategies and how to cope with a potential winter flood disaster read more