Washington National Guard Museum
"The Arsenal"
Since 1898, Washington National Guardsmen have been serving our state and nation. From the Philippine Insurrection, to the recent Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom, our men and women have proudly served during federal missions to ensure the nation’s security. At the same time, they have been turned to frequently to protect the lives, property and economy of Washington state during recent domestic disasters – including the 1980 explosion of Mt. Saint Helens, recent floods and wildfires and the recent landslide near Oso, Washington.
The history of the Washington National Guard is lengthy, and important to share.
Come visit The Arsenal – a collection of historic items and artifacts that help tell the story of our soldiers and airmen. Our mission is to collect, preserve, display and interpret the historic properties and institutional heritage of the Militia and National Guard of Washington, so that departed comrades may be honored, and all can be educated and inspired.
Group tours are available by appointment, Tuesday thru Friday. Please contact the curator at (253) 512-7834 or at stephanie.l.carter47.civ@army.mil
Outdoor displays at Camp Murray are available weekdays for viewing and interpretation by appointment.
Hours of operation are:
Tuesday-Friday: 10:00-15:00
Core/JFHQ Drill Weekends: 9:00-15:00
Closed for Federal Holidays and as needed.